2023 Fall Conference - Program

Veterinary Conference Agenda

Saturday, October 7, 2023

  Sunday, October 8, 2023
7:30am Cont. Breakfast & Registration   7:30am Cont. Breakfast
8:30am Meeting Begins   8:30am Meeting Begins
10:00am AM Break*   10:00am AM Break*
12:00pm Lunch Break*   12:00pm Lunch Break*
2:30pm PM Break*   2:30pm PM Break*
4:30pm Meeting Concludes   4:30pm Meeting Concludes
4:30pm Happy Hour Reception      

*Exibitor room open throughout all breaks


Saturday, October 7, 2023:

Inflammatory and Infectious Respiratory Diseases of the
Dog and Cat (Granick)

There are many etiologies of lower airway disease in the dog and cat. Differentiating between these may be difficult, but has implications for treatment. In this session we will discuss diagnostics and therapeutics for feline asthma, chronic bronchitis, and parasitic lung diseases. Canine inflammatory lower airway disease including chronic bronchitis and eosinophilic bronchopneumopathy will also be reviewed. New information on aerodigestive disorders will be highlighted. We will then turn our attention to bacterial pneumonia, with a critical eye towards appropriate selection and duration of antimicrobials and the role of adjunctive therapies.

Acute Pancreatitis in Dogs:
Latest Developments Including Panoquell-CA1 (Makielski)

Despite being relatively common in dogs, acute pancreatitis presents challenges to the veterinarian, including obtaining a definitive diagnosis and determining optimal therapy. This seminar will focus on the latest developments in the field, specifically the new drug Panoquell-CA1, which has recently been conditionally approved for the treatment of acute pancreatitis in dogs. We will begin with an overview of the anatomy and physiology of the exocrine pancreas, followed by the pathophysiology of acute pancreatitis in dogs. We will review diagnostic challenges, including the limitations of serum biomarkers and the role of imaging modalities. The lecture will then move on to a review of the current treatment options for acute pancreatitis in dogs, including supportive care and medications. The new drug Panoquell-CA1 will be discussed in detail, including its mechanism of action, pharmacokinetics, and clinical trial results.

Diarrhea in the Dog and Cat (Granick)
Diarrhea is a common presenting complaint in small animal practice. Though acute diarrhea in many cats and dogs is self-limiting, the inconvenience caused by a pet’s diarrhea often results in veterinary visits and a desire for a medical solution. Diarrhea is frequently treated with antibiotics, though recent studies suggest that antibiotics are unlikely to help and can potentially do harm. An increased understanding of the intestinal microbiota suggests that we should shift our focus from simply a return of stool quality, towards a return of a healthy microbiota for dogs and cats with diarrhea. Using case examples, we will discuss what factors can disrupt and support the microbiome and propose an updated approach for diarrhea management.

Understanding Feline Diabetes and the Role of Bexacat (Makielski)
Feline diabetes is a common and often serious disease. This lecture will provide a comprehensive overview of feline diabetes, focusing on the disease pathophysiology. It will also provide an in-depth discussion of the treatment options available, including insulin therapy and the role of nutrition. We will also cover Bexacat, the first oral drug approved by the FDA for treatment of feline diabetes, with a focus on the pharmacology, appropriate case selection, and available evidence regarding the use of Bexacat in the management of feline diabetes.

Sunday, October 8, 2023:

Urinary Tract Infections of the Dog and Cat (Granick)
Urinary tract infections are common in companion animals. We will review antibiotic selection for common urinary tract infections. We will also address when to suspect a more complicated disease process and approaches to diagnosis and treatment of complicated and recurrent infections. Lastly, how to tackle multi-drug resistant infections, with case examples, will be addressed.

Evidence-Based Practices for Protein-Losing Nephropathy (Makielski)
Protein losing nephropathy (PLN) is a complex and challenging condition that can result in significant morbidity and mortality. We will begin with a review of the anatomy and physiology of the glomerulus, followed by pathophysiology of glomerular disease. The seminar will then cover the diagnostic workup for PLN, including laboratory testing, diagnostic imaging, infectious disease screening, and when to biopsy. We will also review current therapies for PLN, including dietary management, evidence for ACE-inhibition vs. angiotensin receptor blockade, and when to reach for immunosuppressive therapy. The seminar will also cover the monitoring and management of complications associated with PLN, including hypertension, renal tubular injury, and hypercoagulability.

Demystifying the Bacterial Culture and Susceptibility Panel (Granick)
Pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, and breakpoints, oh my! In this discussion we will break down the basic concepts needed to get the most out of bacterial culture and susceptibility testing. We will discuss what these tests can and cannot tell us, and some tricks for extrapolating whether drugs lacking breakpoints for certain bacteria might be effective. Case examples will be used throughout to demonstrate these concepts.

FIP: From Wretched to Warrior? (Makielski)
While no longer considered to be universally fatal, feline infectious peritonitis (FIP) remains a significant challenge for veterinarians due to its complex pathophysiology, clinical variability, and limited treatment options. This lecture will provide an overview of the current understanding of FIP pathophysiology, clinical signs, and the challenges of obtaining an antemortem diagnosis. We will also discuss GS-441524, including its proposed mechanism of action, available evidence, dosing considerations, and potential side effects. Finally, we will cover important considerations regarding GS-441524 therapy, including treatment without a definitive diagnosis, variable drug sourcing, and the use of unlicensed compounds.


The SDCVMA is a California Statutorily approved CE provider.