CURES Reporting now active

Controlled Substance Utilization Review & Evaluation System (CURES):
The California Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP) Direct dispense reporting application is now available for online reporting.
All controlled drugs that are dispensed (not prescribed to an outside pharmacy) to a patient need to be reported on a weekly basis.
If you are registered, you should have received an email today from Atlantic Associates, the contract provider, with detailed information. If you did not get the email, check your spam folder for it.
If you have registered with this new provider,
      Your user name is your DEA number.
      Your password is your CA license number.
If you have not registered, you can do so now.
Below is the summary notice from Atlantic Associates:

The California PDMP-Direct Dispense Application is available for CA Dispensers!
Atlantic Associates, Inc (AAI) is pleased to announce that the CA Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP), Direct Dispense Application is now available.
This application is mainly for Direct Dispensers and Pharmacies that do not have a software vendor or do not have the ability to create the required ASAP 4.1 format .txt file. The instruction guide and registration can be found at

IF YOU HAVE ALREADY REGISTERED, DO NOT REGISTER AGAIN. Users may go directly to to login. Login in with your DEA (username) and State License (password) numbers, which were provided when registering. Once you have logged in you will be required to change your password. If you are having trouble logging in, please send an email to, subject: Problem with login. Include contact name and DEA number in the body of the email, for identification.
IF YOU HAVE NOT already registered with us, please go to Click on the Registration link.

After receiving the registration* confirmation from AAI, go directly to the application on line at
- Download or Print the User Guide - complete instructions
- Add new records to the database*
- Make corrections to rejects previously submitted
- Edit User information
- Submit Zero Reports (report weekly only)

Atlantic Associates’ registration is in no way affiliated with obtaining Patient Activity Reports. If you wish to obtain Patient Activity Reports, that is a separate process hosted by the State of California, please go to


Notice of Reporting Changes to CURES Program

Effective immediately, MS Excel spreadsheets (includes MS Excel files saved as a .txt) and paper submissions, including zero reports submitted via email or fax, will no longer be accepted. You will be required to submit this data through the CA PDMP Direct Dispense Application online.

Pharmacies and Dispensers, which currently submit files to AAI via the secure FTP using an ftp client, may continue to do so. All submitters will continue to receive file notifications as usual. This does not include MS Excel spreadsheets.

Effective March 1, 2013, Atlantic Associates, Inc (AAI) will implement new edits to the additional fields, outlined in the updated CURES Handbook, as mandated by the CA Department of Justice and CA Board of Pharmacy.

AAI has notified the pharmacy and/or dispenser software vendors that are on their distribution list, they will have until February 28, 2013 to make modifications to software. After February 28, 2013, all records will be rejected for missing or invalid information. Please refer to the CURES Handbook for required changes.

You may contact us at anytime by sending an email to: or by calling 1-800-539-3370.

**If you do not currently receive Acceptance/Rejection Notifications via email you must sign up for timely delivery of notifications and updates to program.

You may unsubscribe at anytime from these Newsletters. HOWEVER, by doing so, AAI will not be responsible for keeping you informed on any future changes or updates.


Website addresses:

California PDMP Direct Dispense Application


*Due to high volume - it may take longer than expected to receive registration confirmations. Please allow an extra 24-48 hours before contacting.

*When registering afacility (i.e. pharmacy, hospital, prison,etc..) please use the facilities' license number, not the individual user registering for access. ALSO, include the entire license number, i.e. PHY12345.

*When registering a doctor, dentist or other individual dispenser, please include the entire license number, i.e. VET12345, DMD12345, etc.

*Direct Dispensers: Please begin with current dispensing information and stay current, and continue work backwards as time permits.