Veterinarians and NPI Numbers

Veterinarians and NPI Numbers
Margo Karriker, PharmD, FSVHP, DICVP

Often retail and community pharmacies request Veterinarians’ NPI (National Provider Identification) number when filling prescriptions for animal patients. NPI numbers were implemented in 2007 by the Department of Health and Human Services to identify healthcare providers that bill for Medicare services. Unfortunately, veterinarians can’t get NPI numbers, as they do not meet the definition of health care provider as defined in the 45 CFR 160.103. This is not well known in retail and community pharmacies. Recently, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services officially clarified this issue on their website. At times, pharmacies have refused to fill prescriptions for pets without an NPI number. 


Ultimately, we know that the confusion over NPI numbers has added an additional level of stress for pet owners and veterinarians. Please distribute this official information widely and work with the pharmacies in your area that are frequented by your clients to get this message out.


More Information can be found at:

AVMA (American Veterinary Medical Association) website:

Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services:


Margo Karriker, PharmD, FSVHP, DICVP

University of California Veterinary Medical Center


Posted by PW